Saturday, June 23, 2012

Size Matters

I could write this in the form of a letter, but I would not know how. Really.

It is 3:05 a.m. and the race starts at 7:30 a.m. The transition area opens at 5:00.

Paul, my husband arrived yesterday. I get better and longer holidays than he does, and so I opted to travel here a little before the race event. All was clockwork beautiful. In fact, right now, Paul has melatonined himself into an unconscious, though evidently blissful state. I sit here anxious and sleepless. All was going according to plan. I know, the word itself is an invitation to the universe to muck things up.

...which it did.

The organizers of the bike rental thought they were doing me a favour when they offered to deliver the bike and helmet to my hotel. Wrong. Unfortunately, the delivery people didn't arrive when they said they would and so I wasn't here to receive the stuff. I was at the race site picking up all the things you need for a triathlon, such as bibs and safety pins, entry bracelets, bathing caps and coupons. I would have known immediately that there was trouble had I been here when the cursed equipment arrived. Also, I missed the bike blessing ceremony on Friday which might have given my performance an advantage of some kind.

Simply, the bike is good for someone about a foot taller than I am, someone over six feet in height. Me, I'm not a tall person and I am very particular about bikes, particular in that I actually need to be able to touch the ground with my feet. You know that feeling you had as a kid when your mom or dad or older sibling sat you on their huge, giant grown up bike? Maybe you've done this with your own child. That is what this bike is like when I try to use it. I actually need to be physically supported. Plus, it doesn't have proper pedals or traps or anything that a regular running shoe might rest on to set the thing in motion. Aesthetically, it works, but then everything in Bali is pleasing in this way. More or less. Man, I have a headache.

So, there are a few options:

Swim, and not do the cycle part and then run.
See if Paul can do the bike portion.
Switch bikes because lowering the seat is a joke in this.
Walk away from the whole thing.


Expletive to the 100th exponent.

- Posted using BlogPress from the iPad that has come into my possession.

Location:Jalan Sanggar Agung,Kuta,Indonesia

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