Friday, June 22, 2012

Personify This

Dear Credit, Debit and Health Cards,

Look, I am really sorry that I didn't take care of you well enough not to lose you. If it's any consolation, I am really suffering the consequences. There are a few when this happens many thousands of miles from home. Also, believe me when I say that I am really mad at myself now. I feel guilty and drunk with the self loathing that you know I have felt before and that I will probably have again. I really didn't mean to let you out of my sight. And, now, I am paying for it. Please don't enjoy that too much.

We had such good times together, especially you, Health Card. You were practically brand new. Why just last month I had to present you to the nice man at the Hotel Dieu hospital in Montreal for blood tests. Who could forget the crazy antics when we had to return the following week for the poop test? I know. I won't remind you. It is nice knowing that we have some secrets, though. We will have more, I am sure, though hopefully not soon.

And you, Credit card. It is just as well that we part ways, though that latest pay pal stunt is still making both of us a little sick, isn't it? Rememer the time that you got hacked on Skype? Good times. Do not worry about a thing. When I get home, pay pal and everyone else will hear about our breakup. I promise that your short life will not have been in vain. I could never fit my signature properly on your back anyway, so it's all for the best. Yes. I will let all of your friends know that our relationship status has changed. Yes, even iTunes.

I feel actual remorse for you Interac bank card. We have been through a lot, too much. I gave up bank books for you way back when, and you have been nothing but helpful. I have been a terrible girlfriend too, haven't I? I thought you wanted to be used. Please forgive me. I even rearranged my bill payments for you. Oh well. We will have good times again. Remember all those machines? That can't be good for you. Take a break.

No. You are not easy to replace, but I have to do it.

It's me not you.

Yes. I will always remember you, of course.

... A little less to carry for tomorrow's event, I know. I know. Jayzus.

- Posted using BlogPress from the iPad that has come into my possession.

Location:Jimbaran, Bali

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