Sunday, June 16, 2013


I ran a 10k this morning in door to the Mile End district of Montreal, my neighborhood of twenty some years. I am basically a lazy person and so I absolutely love races that involve a travel time of less than five minutes to both the start and finish lines.

Anyway, just before we began, I mentioned to someone ahead of me that my intention was to follow him and I hoped he knew where he was going. Light chit chat. Then, I tried to make some sarcastic observation about how so-called "noncompetitive" these races were. I was trying to make the point that no one will admit to being triple A competitive. Before he completely zoomed ahead at the start line, he looked at me as if I were mentally insane. I should know better. When I say I am slow, I am telling the truth. When others say they are slow, they are comparing themselves to the Bolt.

Ironically, my speed was pretty good (for me) at 1 hour 7 minutes. This was the first race in the new age category and it was okay. So there. I am owning some of that competitive spirit too.

At this time next week, with any kind of luck, I will be crossing the finish line for the half marathon in Hawaii -- can't even believe it. Also, looking forward to some awesome coffee and recovery.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013


My new running socks:

See my previous post on sock shopping. Plus, try to say that three times quickly.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Just say no.

My feet and ass are in denial about all of the races coming up, especially the half marathon in Kona.

What was I thinking?