Wednesday, January 23, 2013


...kind of messed up the taper.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone at the waterfront in Granada, Nicaragua.

Four days to Miami.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Spring Forward

One way to avoid the reality of winter is to plan for spring.

Paul and I just registered for The Toronto Goodlife Half Marathon to be held May 5, 2013 in Toronto.

Lots of stuff between now and then, including races in Miami and Vancouver and a two-week, non running stint at an ashram in Trivandrum, India.

Happy Trails.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I saw this while running this morning in Leon, Nicaragua:

This is me across the street:

I saw this online before my run:

Ten days to Miami.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, January 14, 2013

Extremes II

From A Toronto city beach

to the practically deserted Pacific Paradise of Poneloya, Nicaragua.

I should be starting to think about the exhale of training: the taper. I still need to put at least another longish run in...not that easy to do as I balance time between developing educational materials for a pilot project in rural Nicaragua and running in the heat. Still, though, a beach is a beach.
Half marathon in Miami is coming up January 25. Even better is that my husband Paul, who scared the shit out of everyone by having a heart attack and triple bypass surgery last summer, may run the race with me. His doctor has cleared him for it. More later.
Talk about gratitude.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone